Lori Maloney Photography

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for the love of moms šŸ’ž

Mothersā€™ Day fast approaches and I am so excited to be launching a contest to gift one über-awesome mama a free portrait session + print!

ā€œA mother is she who can take the place of all others
but whose place no one else can take.

~ Gaspard Mermillod

Moms are so often the ones organizing everyone elseā€¦ capturing the kids on their first days of school or on vacation, ensuring they get pics of them with their dad, printing the shots of loved ones playing sports, at their recitals, and birthday partiesā€¦ we know how important pictures are - hell, photos are within top three answers for what people would grab if the house was on fire! - and yet we moms are too seldom in them or, if we are, itā€™s an armā€™s length selfie. WHY?

This Mothersā€™ Day honour the moms you love with the opportunity to be celebrated through portraiture.

A portrait session need not be intimidatingā€¦ I will never ask for my clients to be anyone other than EXACTLY who they are, my aim is to always ensure a fun + empowering experience that results in authentic portraiture. One client described looking through her gallery with tears in her eyes and that her husband, upon seeing her + her portraits, said, ā€œyou finally see you how I see you.ā€ šŸ™šŸ¼

From now through May 5/23 Iā€™m running a ā€˜for the love of momsā€™ contest that will gift one session + print to a deserving mama (self-nominations encouraged!)! Submit your nomination here now! (see contest rules here)

no matter the stage of motherhoodā€¦ every mom deserves a portrait she loves!

If not now, when?

~ Hillel the Elder

Nominate a mom you love today! I also have gift cards available and I can promise you that the gift or portraiture blows all other gifts out the waterā€¦ we donā€™t need more cookbooks, or mugs, or flowers - of course theyā€™re nice too - BUTā€¦ what better gift than one that celebrates our beloved moms by holding up a mirror so that they may see what we see in themā€¦ strength. authenticity. beauty. grace. Every mom deserves a portrait she loves.

All the deets are on the contest pageā€¦ cannot wait to read the nominations - already feeling teary eyed thinking of the love thatā€™s going to be poured into each nomination! šŸ’ž

With gratitude,

xo Lori