In late 2014 I was approached to collaborate on ‘The Birthday Book Project’. It was an ambitious project: have 12 Canadian photographers each shoot 30-31 portraits, one for every birthdate of the year…366 portraits in all…and then compile them in a beautiful coffee table book.
You don’t need a degree in astrophysics to have predicted there would be some hiccups: a dozen+ creatives, living in three different countries, with myriad life commitments/dreams/challenges…that said, amazingly, we completed all 366 portraits!
With all the shooting done, which, frankly, seemed a quasi-miracle, I felt as though the Project could and would then move seamlessly into the design and printing phase…alas - for reasons both known and others, I’m sure, unknown to me - the editor put it on an indefinite hold. Despite countless offers of help, by me and others, the project sat idle. And my hands tied.
Over the past three years I have tried to give the editor empathy & space while still letting her know that I, and my subjects, were keen to move forward. Most of my enquiries went either unanswered or were placated with responses like ‘don’t worry, it’ll happen, I just need more time’. Until this week…
After running into one of my subjects last weekend and his enquiring if the book was still happening; on Monday, I reached out to the editor again and her reply Tuesday was that she would not be proceeding with the ‘printing of the book or anything else related to the project.’
So…how do you like them LEMONS? 😒
I tell ya’, just because you expect something doesn’t dull the sting when it’s confirmed.
I admit that it took me a day+ to ponder the finality of her text (read: <profanity / frustration / disappointment>)…but then, as I shared the news with the kids that the project was dead (they both participated and have been amazing cheerleaders & assistants throughout ❤️), it dawned on me, on us, that I could finally provide the long awaited printed product for ‘my people’…I mean, that IS what photography is meant to be: a tangible record of the time and place and PERSON and story through this beautiful medium, one that allows people to honour, to hold dear, and to pass down memories. 🙏🏼 Seriously, in the span of that 10 minute drive home from school I went from disappointed-story-telling to excited-book-planning!
As Ryan Holiday aptly writes in “The Obstacle is the Way”:
“…after you have controlled your emotions, and you can see objectively and stand steadily, the next step becomes possible: a mental flip, so you’re looking not at the obstacle but at the opportunity within it.”
…ahhhh, LEMONADE! 🤗
To my subjects, who ranged in age from newborn to 95, who live all over this beautiful province, and a few beyond our borders, who were known and unknown to me, and who all trusted me - thank you! ♾
We have lost two beautiful souls between shooting their portrait and now…I am so sorry to them, and their loved ones, that the book wasn’t finished in time for them to hold in their hands. I promise I’ve tried to be a present and passionate advocate for getting this project completed from the day I signed on.
To all those who participated in the Project because of me but who were assigned other photographers…I’m sorry that it didn’t proceed as marketed and I soooo wish we’d gotten to do this together. 😔
The book is unlikely to be a Taschen look-alike 😉 …that said, I am keen to find a beautiful method of printing ‘53 Birthdays’, showcasing my wonderful 58 subjects (two sets of twins, one set of friends, and a three generational birthday!), in a quality yet affordable manner. I need to explore the options, and if you have ideas of a printer I might turn to please do let me know.
In the meantime, if you think you’re likely to purchase a book (or three!), let me know so that I may gauge interest. I expect to do a test print - to ensure the final product is what we’re after (under $100 and beautiful) - and then I think I’ll run a pre-order campaign so that we can benefit from the savings on a bulk order. My hands are now un-tied, and I get to finish what we started! ❤️
Next steps that you can help with:
Let me know if you expect to buy one or more copies
Ensure you’re subscribed to my email list as this is where I’ll be sharing project updates & deets
Please share this post with anyone you think might be interested…it would be wonderful to get this book into as many hands as possible! Don’t underestimate how treasured these types of things are to family.
Onward and with gratitude,
xo Lori