I can vividly recall that sunny afternoon, in May 2002, as we strolled along the Grand Canal in Venice and came across the most beautiful painting for sale. I can’t remember the price exactly but I think it was in the 300 Euro range, which - in that moment, for us - just didn’t feel ‘sensible’: wedding expenses were looming, he was going back to uni that Fall, I still had to secure a job after our year spent living in England… ummm, okay, “sensible” is an understatement - it would have been crazy to buy it in that moment.
all.that.said ➡️ I still regret not getting that painting! 😕
Over the years I’ve heard similar longings from those who’ve appreciated my work but who felt like it was out of reach for them. I get it, life is expensive: the kids need braces, what if the fridge craps out, maybe you’re still carrying some student debt... While - I believe - we’ll always be more grateful for the money we invest in art than the dollars we waste on overpriced coffees or unnecessary gadgets; I do completely understand the rationale and reality: the fact is that when choosing between our kids’ band camp or art, band camp HAS to come first.
In that vein, I’m SO EXCITED to announce the addition of 12 art cards to my online shop! (and YES you can purchase online and your cards will be mailed to you or held for pickup!) A more affordable way to purchase pieces you love but for a fraction of the price AND with the added bonus of being able to share art you love with the people you love! 💞
I’ve selected these 12 fine art images both based on their popularity among clients and with the mission of curating 3 unique series of 4 cards each: TRANQUILITY, SIMPLICITY, and OPPORTUNITY. Recognizing we each have individual aesthetics, I’ve endeavoured to provide three very different sets so that you can hopefully find one that resonates with you… of course, if you love ’em all, there is also the JOY collection that includes all 12 at a steal! #yourwelcome 😉
Continue reading to learn a little more about each set or head straight over to the shop here!
‘St. Clare’, from the Tranquility Collection
Not unlike the Tranquility series, opportunity is home to three from one place and one from another…
I’m definitely a ‘door person’ and so you better believe that both new mexico and new orleans are dream locations for me!
when pondering names for each collection it was our daughter who coined opportunity, and isn’t it perfect?!
a love of doors (which we’ll use as an umbrella term for windows, shutters, gateways, etc 😉) goes beyond the aesthetic… it’s the musing of: who chose that colour, who bought that knob, what year did this door get hung in this frame, what fabulous character called this entryway hers, what dreams began - or ended - at this threshold… ?
one of my favourite moments, from a particular trip to NOLA, was when I stood admiring a beautiful wrought iron mail slot, which was quasi hidden among the ivy growing on the exterior wall. as I stood there I heard, ‘can I help you?’ I blushed and explained that I loved their mailbox (that I don’t have a photo of 🤦🏻♀️), which led to an invitation inside! they lived in a restored historical home that spanned three properties (you’d never have known from the street) and they took great pride in showing us around the home, with it’s lovely courtyards, windowed walls, and generational flora, all while mesmerizing us with the history of each nook and cranny. An hour I’ll always remember and one more reason I love doors: opportunities abound!
‘Soft Rose’, from the Simplicity Collection
New Mexico holds a very special place in my heart, and three of the four images in this collection are from my time there.
As Georgia O’Keefe, whose chosen home of Abiquiú she made famous and is included here, said:
“When I got to New Mexico that was mine. As soon as I saw it that was my country. I'd never seen anything like it before, but it fitted to me exactly. It's something that's in the air, it's different.”
Same, G, saaammme. 💙
Fittingly, the ‘odd man out’ in this set, is titled Individuality. Taken on a frigid winter day, in my own backyard of the canadiAN Rockies. I’VE ALWAYS LOVED THE JUXTAPOSITION IN THIS IMAGE, A REMINDER that JUST because SOMETHING LOOKS ‘DIFFERENT’ DOESN’T MAKE IT wrong, IN FACT - IT MIGHT just be exactly what was needed.
I hope these images evoke serenity in you too.
‘The Blue Door’, from the Opportunity Collection
the third collection showcases a variety of blooms and surprised me with an unanticipated theme, a 3:1 ratio again with three shot on location and only one in studio.
“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.”
~ buddha
whether it’s the rose in a manicured garden or a dandelion pushing through the crack in a concrete jungle - how can one not be astounded by the seeming simplicity of this extraordinary beauty + resilience?
each of these blooms were shot with love - love for the place, person, and time that surrounded me as I made them… but, let me withhold my personal feelings, and instead I hope you might look at them and find your own.
One was made in edmonton, one in saskatchewan, one in new mexico, and one in my studio.
The cards are 4.25” x 5.5” and have been beautifully printed on linen cardstock… one client (who participated in my focus group) said they felt ‘luxurious’ and that she’d look forward to writing in them (which is high praise from someone who has both high standards and who sends A LOT of handwritten notes!)
This quick iPhone pic of ‘The Blue Door’ (Opportunity Collection) beside a thumbdrive provides a sense of size. Really, a perfectly sized, blank notecard to let someone you care about know that you’re thinking of them… whether it’s a note of congrats or condolence, one of celebration or concern - I hope one or all of these meet your desire to share art + love with those in your life.
And now… As a thank you, to all you wonderful peeps who have subscribed to emails, the first 10 email subscribers to purchase a set will be entered into a draw to win their chosen collection of 4 for free! 🎁
So looking forward to seeing where this takes us!
With my deep gratitude for your support!
xo Lori
Please share this post if you’re inclined… help me sell out! 🤗 😘
PS Two follow ups: the afternoon in Venice wasn’t all doom and gloom 😉 (obviously, I mean - we were IN VENICE 😂) as mere minutes after our missed art purchase, we popped into the famed Harry’s Bar to splurge on ONE Bellini. 😂 (D’s not sure it was worth the 18 Euro but I’m here to say that it was!) AND, years later, while in Dominican Republic we found a painting we loved and had learned our mistake… it hangs in our family room and brings me daily joy! 🎨