"The barn's burnt down, and now I can see the stars."

…I was scrolling IG, as I sipped my coffee one morning last May, and was admiring one of Stacey Walyuchow’s most recent paintings. Stacey’s a friend, client + colleague and so, on a whim, I texted her to ask if I could commission a painting to celebrate my 50th…

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Mud + Mosaics

It makes me nostalgic thinking about all the ways we’re impacted + forever changed by the people who come and go throughout our lives… the music they introduce us to, their guiding principles that inspire us, their ability for humour during heartache that we try to emulate, the passed-down recipes shared that compel us to carry on traditions, the turns of phrase that stick with us and become part of our own vernacular, the books + ideas debated, the timeless photographs of that one moment in time, and experiences - good + bad - shared. Such a profound reckoning when we’re feeling sad about loss; the fact is that we are indeed a beautiful mosaic of so many micro + macro moments with the people who pass through our stories and THAT is a beautiful thing!

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