Are you still looking for that perfect, meaningful gift? OPEN THIS NOTE! 😘

Looking for the perfect gift? … You may think I’m biased in thinking portraiture the ultimate gift; however, it is not as a photographer that I passionately advocate for women to have this experience, rather it’s as a daughter, sister, and mom.

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"The barn's burnt down, and now I can see the stars."

…I was scrolling IG, as I sipped my coffee one morning last May, and was admiring one of Stacey Walyuchow’s most recent paintings. Stacey’s a friend, client + colleague and so, on a whim, I texted her to ask if I could commission a painting to celebrate my 50th…

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for the love of THIS mom!

Her close friend Kyla had seen my post about the contest and quickly sent in a nomination saying, in part, “She can see the calm in the storm and the good in situations when others cannot. She is the most fun, it’s so contagious being around her and feeling her energy.”

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for the love of moms 💞

Mothers’ Day fast approaches and I am so excited to be launching a contest to gift one über-awesome mama a free portrait session + print!

A mother is she who can take the place of all others
but whose place no one else can take.

~ Gaspard Mermillod

Moms are so often the ones organizing everyone else… capturing the kids on their first days of school or on vacation, ensuring they get pics of them with their dad, printing the shots of loved ones playing sports, at their recitals, and birthday parties… we know how important pictures are - hell, photos are within top three answers for what people would grab if the house was on fire! - and yet we moms are too seldom in them or, if we are, it’s an arm’s length selfie. WHY?

This Mothers’ Day honour the moms you love with the opportunity to be celebrated through portraiture.

A portrait session need not be intimidating… I will never ask for my clients to be anyone other than EXACTLY who they are, my aim is to always ensure a fun + empowering experience that results in authentic portraiture. One client described looking through her gallery with tears in her eyes and that her husband, upon seeing her + her portraits, said, “you finally see you how I see you.” 🙏🏼

From now through May 5/23 I’m running a ‘for the love of moms’ contest that will gift one session + print to a deserving mama (self-nominations encouraged!)! Submit your nomination here now! (see contest rules here)

no matter the stage of motherhood… every mom deserves a portrait she loves!

mom and her three beautiful children in a studio portrait
mompreneur looking beautiful in a studio headshot with light blue background to compliment her dark hair and top and blue eyes
great grandma smiling as she looks toward the soft window light
anonymous maternity portrait of woman draped in white sheet in front of a wall length painting
black and white portrait of mom and daughter in fall foliage
a mom and her two daughters in a studio portrait with olive green backdrop
legacy portrait of beautiful mom posing in a floral summer dress amidst the green grass and trees
portrait of a forty-something blonde woman, crouching amidst the fall foliage in black bomber jacket jeans and aviator glasses

If not now, when?

~ Hillel the Elder

black and white portrait of a mom an daughter with the tree of life pendant and winter sweaters
‘Strength flows from grit and grace.’ A few months ago, I was scrolling through my photos and realized that the only photos of myself were impromptu selfies. Luckily Lori Maloney helped me rectify this issue. During the photo shoot we laughed, danced, and, in the process, captured both sides of who I am. I love these pictures.
location portrait of a beautiful red head mom with fall colours
photographer lori maloney selfie in whit v-neck and brown hair and bangs, with her studio and lights behind her

Nominate a mom you love today! I also have gift cards available and I can promise you that the gift or portraiture blows all other gifts out the water… we don’t need more cookbooks, or mugs, or flowers - of course they’re nice too - BUT… what better gift than one that celebrates our beloved moms by holding up a mirror so that they may see what we see in them… strength. authenticity. beauty. grace. Every mom deserves a portrait she loves.

All the deets are on the contest page… cannot wait to read the nominations - already feeling teary eyed thinking of the love that’s going to be poured into each nomination! 💞

With gratitude,

xo Lori

Dear sweet woman... 🌜🌝🌛

“You are so lovely and a magician with the camera.  I absolutely loved the pictures and cried when I saw them, it was an emotional experience for my husband as well.  He said “you finally see you how I see you.”  I cannot express to you enough how much I enjoyed the experience, your empowerment and warm presence having allowed for that.  It means a great deal to me that the smile on my face is authentic in those pictures.  I felt joy for just being me.  For having you help me celebrate it, well, there are just no words for the deep gratitude I feel.”

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